Quote Originally Posted by dao View Post
I've never quite understood the attraction to .357Sig. Of course I've never really pursued the answer before. What are the things about the caliber that make you like it so much Barth? As compared to say, .40S&W.

Quote Originally Posted by Barth View Post
... they could duplicate 357 Magnum 4"-barrel 125 gr @ 1,450 fps performance. ...

Note: My preferred carry load is Underwood GDHP 125 gr @ 1,475 fps. ...

My commitment to 125 gr. 357SIG ammo is due to (1) the fact that its performance mimics that of 125 gr. .357 Magnum ammo (which has a very long history as a proven effective LEO and SD revolver round), and (2) the fact that it is a bottlenecked round (which should decrease the chance of seeing a feeding issue in a semi-auto).

I use 125 gr. 357SIG Underwood GD (my preferred round) or 125 gr. Speer GDLE for my SD/HD ammo. The Underwood is advertised as 1,475 fps, ~600 ft-lbs energy at the muzzle of a 4" barrel. And the Speer (#54234) is advertised at 1,375 fps, ~525 ft-lbs at the muzzle end of a 4" barrel.

By the way, a Sig P229 (or an X-Changed M11-A1) shoots both the UW round or the Speer round very comfortably!
