My commitment to 125 gr. 357SIG ammo is due to (1) the fact that its performance mimics that of 125 gr. .357 Magnum ammo (which has a very long history as a proven effective LEO and SD revolver round), and (2) the fact that it is a bottlenecked round (which should decrease the chance of seeing a feeding issue in a semi-auto).
I use 125 gr. 357SIG Underwood GD (my preferred round) or 125 gr. Speer GDLE for my SD/HD ammo. The Underwood is advertised as 1,475 fps, ~600 ft-lbs energy at the muzzle of a 4" barrel. And the Speer (#54234) is advertised at 1,375 fps, ~525 ft-lbs at the muzzle end of a 4" barrel.
By the way, a Sig P229 (or an X-Changed M11-A1) shoots both the UW round or the Speer round very comfortably!