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Thread: Happiness is a new gun 2

  1. #901
    Join Date
    Feb 2018


    I still haven't gotten to the range with this yet. But it has become my favorite. I've actually carried it a couple of times, I trust Sigs to work if needed.

    I happened upon a holster maker on eBay that agreed to make a custom IWB holster for me. Turned out they are apparently Azula, since that's the name that's stamped on the back, though their eBay seller name is 450ackley.

    The OWB holster is a Galco, made for a 1911 Commander. It fits the 210 like a glove though it is about 1/2" longer than it needs to be. That's fine with me because I don't like my muzzle to be exposed.

    Colonel this gun feels as good in hand as any gun I've ever held. I think if you find one and wrap your hand around it you'll take it home.
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  2. #902
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Wet & Wild Pacific NW


    If I find one and have the cash it will definitely come home with me. Zero doubt about that. It's just the cash, why does it always have to be about money. I don't give a hoot about money, I just want guns.
    In Memory of Paul "Dietrich" Stines.
    Dad: Say something nice to your cousin Shirley
    Dietrich: For a fat girl you sure don't sweat much.
    Cue sound of Head slap.

    RIP Muggsy & TMan

    "If you are a warrior legally authorized to carry a weapon and you step outside without that weapon, then you become a sheep, pretending that JOCKO will not come today."

  3. #903
    Join Date
    Feb 2018


    Strangely, after buying this gun I seem to have lost the itch for another gun. This is unusual for me. It might be the gun, the fact that I have an example of pretty much all the types of guns I've ever wanted, the fact that we're now limited in what we are allowed to buy, or that as you said they cost money, which I don't have a lot of. Not sure if my loss of motivation to keep looking and buying will last or not but it's definitely there. Things that make you go hmmmm.

  4. #904
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Wet & Wild Pacific NW


    I always get that I got enough feeling after a new purchase. It usually last at least 2 weeks to a month and then the search is on. It helps to nail a really pleasing one, in this case you might last 6 weeks or so.

    Funny how I continue to look and shop knowing full well I don't have the means to do anything......
    In Memory of Paul "Dietrich" Stines.
    Dad: Say something nice to your cousin Shirley
    Dietrich: For a fat girl you sure don't sweat much.
    Cue sound of Head slap.

    RIP Muggsy & TMan

    "If you are a warrior legally authorized to carry a weapon and you step outside without that weapon, then you become a sheep, pretending that JOCKO will not come today."

  5. #905
    Join Date
    Apr 2018
    Central Floriduh


    dao, thanks for the top on the holster maker. It does look like it fits like a glove. Nice looking holster too!
    I know what you mean about losing the itch. I also agree with The Colonel, no manner or amount of cream can prevent that itch from coming back. At least that has been my experience. I think that if I taped my eyes shut, never visited another gun store, this forum, or looked at a gun magazine then maybe. But we know that won’t happen! : )

  6. #906
    Join Date
    Sep 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by dao View Post
    Strangely, after buying this gun I seem to have lost the itch for another gun. This is unusual for me. It might be the gun, the fact that I have an example of pretty much all the types of guns I've ever wanted, the fact that we're now limited in what we are allowed to buy, or that as you said they cost money, which I don't have a lot of. Not sure if my loss of motivation to keep looking and buying will last or not but it's definitely there. Things that make you go hmmmm.
    Im the same way in all aspects. I can usually resist any small desire to even look at anything,… unless I go to a gun show. If I go I’ll most likely come home with something. So I usually don’t go but once or twice a year.

    To my point. Went to one last weekend and brought home a G26 gen 5. Why?… because the price was good and I have a bunch of Glock mags. Also I’ve missed the one I traded 4 years ago ever since the trade. Didn’t need one but more is always good I guess.
    The only thing better than having all the guns and ammo you'd ever need would be being able to shoot it all off the back porch.

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  7. #907
    Join Date
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    Central Floriduh


    yqtszhj: The G26 is a nice little double stack. I carried one for a while. Did the Hyve upgrades in my favorite color, green (small mag extensions, mag release to match) and upgraded the sights. I’m not so much a Glock guy, but I did shoot it well. That was before I started getting into the slimness of single stacks, particularly the Kahr’s. Congrats on picking up one at a good deal!

  8. #908
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    Jax, Fla


    The grips on that Sig have a shape and texture that makes me want to caress it and firmly wrap my palm around it.

    I’ve been underwhelmed by every 9mm gun I’ve had, maybe it’s the cartridge, maybe it’s me. But I have more 9mm ammo than all other centerfire calibers combined, so I’m kind of committed to it. At one point I almost said to heck with it, get a G19. But I just couldn’t do it. I’ve more or less settled on my 4” Shield Plus PC as my favorite 9mm. Yes I still like the BHP, but it didn’t scratch the itch for long.
    Man of steel - Kahr T9, SP101, 1911

  9. #909
    Join Date
    Feb 2018


    I've come close to saying the same thing to my wife, but something keeps me from doing so. Probably that you're all spot on and sooner or later I'll be in the hunt again, looking for my next favorite. Jeff Goldblum as Dr. Malcolm in Jurassic Park kind of said it too, "I'm always looking for the next ex-Mrs. Malcomb".

  10. #910
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Twin Cities MN.


    I wasn't going to buy anymore either.....just looked at and held one of these and working hard to resist! Sig P320 EQUINOX.
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    "Life Member NRA" / GOA Member.
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