The only thing better than having all the guns and ammo you'd ever need would be being able to shoot it all off the back porch.
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Added some Magpul folding sights and an AFG to my new 10.5” RF 5.56 pistol….
A man can never have too much red wine, too many books, or too much ammunition
-Rudyard Kipling
A while back, but I added a red dot to my AK.
Does that count?
I consider myself VERY fortunate. My wife is frugal. She has never been into the shopping stuff, other than for groceries. I sometimes have to literally drag her to even get some newer, nicer clothes for her to wear to work (office environment). At the same time, she allows me to be somewhat wasteful with this gun hobby stuff. There’s no replacement for her on this earth!
Wish I had a nice girl.
My choices have been dumpster fires.
Sometimes we have to walk this world alone...
I have a friend who seems to have had the same luck with every one he got involved with. He “chases tail”, but never commits to going any further. Honestly, if anything ever happened to my wife or our relationship, I’d throw in the towel. Seeing how so many women are today, along with what the dating stuff is like, I’d rather be alone too.