Nice shooter Ken. Odd that DW did not put their Valkyrie script on the slide above the slide stop. I'll bet that feels real good on your hip.
Nice shooter Ken. Odd that DW did not put their Valkyrie script on the slide above the slide stop. I'll bet that feels real good on your hip.
I noticed that too, which I think cleans it up a bit. Kinda like a “no name”. I love ‘em like that.
That STI I have would be sooo much nicer if it did not have the billboard on the side. I bought a S&W SC on here and if I ever get a round tuit I will be polishing just the flats and controls while also removing it’s billboard in the process.
I agree Bird. I like them clean as well. Guncrafter Industries actually makes "No Name" models. There's a few others as well.
Lol! Guncrafter’s was the one I was thinking of. I just forgot who it was.
I have seen kits (80%?) where you can ‘smith your own that have nice, unmarked, blunt nosed slides. Very surprised by what those kits go for though. You can buy a decent used DW for what they sell for. I guess you really gotta want to learn that craft to buy one.
I will post soon, been working on my other Mossberg, a Model 500 12 gauge with a rifled barrel. I changed the wood furniture to black polymer as it is tougher to damage than a nice wood stock. I like wood but I do not like having to refinish it if I can use a inexpensive replacement and keep the nice wood for wing shooting!
This is NOT my gun. Found it online. Good example of a Guncrafter Industries No Name Commander. By all accounts I've read they make fine guns.
Sounds like a great idea. I have 3 10/22's, all of which have nice, original stocks. I'm wanting one of the black poly one's for one of them. For looks, weight reduction and keeping the stock nice on that one. Yes, would be cool to see what you've done with yours. Maybe before & after shots? Thanks!
doa, that one is drop dead gorgeous! I'm undecisive, but may go with a trigger like that on the V10. I know the Guncrafter's are expensive, but knowing how many hours that must go into their fitting/finishing makes me wonder how they do it. If I polished a 1911 for what polish shops do it for I'd be making like $2-$3 an hour!😂 Yes, I've heard good things about Guncrafter. I just need one real good scratch off ticket and I'm in!
I really like the super clean look of my Dan Wesson V-Bob.
And the bobtail Commander is the perfect size for me
It has the script, but black on black, did not show up in the photo for some reason. It is hard to see, if you aren't looking for it.
Edit: So took my phone out today and if I point straight down, you cannot see the Valkyrie logo, but I if tilt it slightly it shows up, who knew.
I did a quick look at gun broker for some discontinued DW models, they are all going for outrageous prices. Not sure what DW/CZ are thinking.
Last edited by kenemoore; 01-13-2024 at 09:27 AM.
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