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Thread: Happiness is a new gun 2

  1. #1781
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    The Free Zone


    Quote Originally Posted by Bawanna View Post
    As much as I love stag, I'm pretty much a failure on making them. I do have one set I made that's "good enough for me" after trying several tries. The horn or antler has to be just right for the proper coverage but also not too thick. I like thin and it's tough to find stag that is any less than a standard thickness and most are much thicker. That being said I will try again and if miraculously I am successful I'll probably offer them up. Sounds like you have large hands or prefer standard thickness, I'll play some.
    No Problemo Old Friend.
    I'm thinking of trying out some standard, palm swell, VZ 10s.
    They look like the fit I'm looking for.
    Don't sweat it

    Just ordered the VZ Black Tactical Standard Size Palm Swell grips.
    They look like just what the Doctor Ordered - LOL!
    Funny how I found these pics so easily...

  2. #1782
    Join Date
    Feb 2018


    Quote Originally Posted by BirdsThaWord View Post
    Sounds like good times! The buddy that sent me the pic of the pearl grips came over once and we did exactly that. Weather had just gotten a bit warmer after a freeze, so we sat out in the garage, mosquito free, til late in the night. Drinking and polishing with the radio on. I think I was doing the Kahr K9 at the time. That's a good memory. Thanks for reminding me. Yes, too bad you are so far away my friend 
    Both of those DW's ...  The Colonel does his grips right! Too bad about the Guardian, but like you said, now another you can love is coming home (ECO). Here's the 2 that got away from me:
    Attachment 20505
    Attachment 20506
    Those are really nice Bird. DW is down to a relatively small number of models in their lineup now, but they sure can make nice looking guns. As did Para Ordnance!
    Ironically I'm on the lookout for a PC-C 9mm which are a true CCO. I already have a magwell for it. Hopefully it will show up right around tax time. I've yet to own a government model. Don't know if I ever will as they just look like they would feel long to me. I started out with Commanders, and while I really like them still, I've really taken a liking to the compact models most especially the true officer size 3.5". The PM-C is a 4 or 4.25" barrel but it's also all-steel and I think I'll like that especially as I get older and weaker. I do have a Rock Island 3.5" all steel coming but that's as much to play with and trying to shine up. Kind of a combination learning tool and hobby gun.
    I think the ECO and my Colt Stainless Officer OACP will be my primary carry pieces for Winter, at least until I can find and try a PM-C 9. Or maybe until after Shot Show?

  3. #1783
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    Central Floriduh


    Jeep: Sharp Ruger! You’ve got those Pachmeyer grips on there that I love too. Looks like you put sights on it, with the “tactical rack” ledge in the rear?
    Barth: That pic with the stags… if he can duplicate those, would totally transform your gun. I’ve always loved ‘em. They will be thick for sure and I think you are onto something about grip thickness. I’ve had guns that I shot better with a grip change, or by going from an arched mainspring housing to a flat one.
    UPDATE: Just saw the last few posts about the Colonel kicking you to the curb on the stags . I dig those palm swells. Reminds me of a company that makes grips out of aluminum (forget the name) that have that palm swell in them. I talked to them about making them without their gaudy logo on the grips, but they shot me down. I bet those are going to feel great/ergonomic and they look pretty dang cool too.

  4. #1784
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    Quote Originally Posted by BirdsThaWord View Post
    Jeep: Sharp Ruger! You’ve got those Pachmeyer grips on there that I love too. Looks like you put sights on it, with the “tactical rack” ledge in the rear?
    Barth: That pic with the stags… if he can duplicate those, would totally transform your gun. I’ve always loved ‘em. They will be thick for sure and I think you are onto something about grip thickness. I’ve had guns that I shot better with a grip change, or by going from an arched mainspring housing to a flat one.
    UPDATE: Just saw the last few posts about the Colonel kicking you to the curb on the stags . I dig those palm swells. Reminds me of a company that makes grips out of aluminum (forget the name) that have that palm swell in them. I talked to them about making them without their gaudy logo on the grips, but they shot me down. I wanted them because like the one’s you ordered, they had that cool palm swell. I bet those are going to feel great/ergonomic.
    That's one of the reasons I fell for the HK P30/VP9 guns.
    Triple size grip panels and backstraps makes for a custom grip I love

  5. #1785
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    Quote Originally Posted by dao View Post
    Those are really nice Bird. DW is down to a relatively small number of models in their lineup now, but they sure can make nice looking guns. As did Para Ordnance!
    Ironically I'm on the lookout for a PC-C 9mm which are a true CCO. I already have a magwell for it. Hopefully it will show up right around tax time. I've yet to own a government model. Don't know if I ever will as they just look like they would feel long to me. I started out with Commanders, and while I really like them still, I've really taken a liking to the compact models most especially the true officer size 3.5". The PM-C is a 4 or 4.25" barrel but it's also all-steel and I think I'll like that especially as I get older and weaker. I do have a Rock Island 3.5" all steel coming but that's as much to play with and trying to shine up. Kind of a combination learning tool and hobby gun.
    I think the ECO and my Colt Stainless Officer OACP will be my primary carry pieces for Winter, at least until I can find and try a PM-C 9. Or maybe until after Shot Show?
    Thanks! Wish they were still mine. Totally agree about how nice some of the models are. The fit and finish on them is stellar. Definitely guns that I can sit and fondle like a nut case. I think if you take a decent government with target sights to the range, you will be amazed. I’ve never shot anything better. I of course love the officers, and they are a lot more realistic for carrying in my opinion, but for plinking a gov can’t be beat. Good luck on your search. Good things come to those who wait. I got lucky when I bought those DW’s as I paid only $1k each. I don’t mind buying used, so that helps. That’s funny you are buying that PC-C because you already have the just so right magwell for it. I think it was me & the Colonel discussing one day how we would get a certain magazine for a gun we did not own, or a certain caliber ammo, then have to go get the gun for it to go in. Lol!
    Just the thought of your stainless Colt officer… I want one and hope to have one one day. Had the blued one, a blued New Agent and a blued Defender. Never had a stainless one. Once I do, you already know what I’ll be doing to it!

  6. #1786
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    Quote Originally Posted by Barth View Post
    That's one of the reasons I fell for the HK P30/VP9 guns.
    Triple size grip panels and backstraps makes for a custom grip I love
    That tells me you have bigger hands than I do. I TYPICALLY (not always in all honesty) go with the smaller back straps on guns like that.
    BTW, I just zoomed in to your profile pic. Small and blurry, but obviously that’s you next to a Mustang. This whole time I thought it was a picture of the Batmobile.

  7. #1787
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    Quote Originally Posted by BirdsThaWord View Post
    That tells me you have bigger hands than I do. I TYPICALLY (not always in all honesty) go with the smaller back straps on guns like that.
    I have small girl sized hands LOL!
    Like Large backstraps on all my Hk guns (P2000 actually has four and I use Extra Large!).
    Like small on the side panels, but the P30/VP guns have a natural palm swell.
    And I love and shoot exceptionally well my FS USP Tactical 45 with a Hogue finger groove grip sleeve!
    Go Figure...

  8. #1788
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    Central Floriduh


    Quote Originally Posted by Barth View Post
    I have small girl sized hands LOL!
    Like Large backstraps on all my Hk guns (P2000 actually has four and I use Extra Large!).
    Like small on the side panels, but the P30/VP guns have a natural palm swell.
    And I love and shoot exceptionally well my FS USP Tactical 45 with a Hogue finger groove grip sleeve!
    Go Figure...
    Lol! That’s interesting. I’d think you’d want/feel better with the thinner grip areas like I USUALLY do. I say usually, because there have been a few large gripped guns that I loved and shot well. But it’s mostly the opposite. Sharp 2000! I see you did the comped/weighted front end. I bet that’s a soft shooter.

  9. #1789
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    Cool 357 Power

    Quote Originally Posted by BirdsThaWord View Post
    Lol! That’s interesting. I’d think you’d want/feel better with the thinner grip areas like I USUALLY do. I say usually, because there have been a few large gripped guns that I loved and shot well. But it’s mostly the opposite. Sharp 2000! I see you did the comped/weighted front end. I bet that’s a soft shooter.
    That's my FS USP Tactical 45 that I converted into a Match Clone.
    Sports a Jarvis 6" Match barrel and a third party Match weight.
    Don't have a pic of my P2000 357, but I can take one...


  10. #1790
    Join Date
    Apr 2018
    Central Floriduh


    Quote Originally Posted by Barth View Post
    That's my FS USP Tactical 45 that I converted into a Match Clone.
    Sports a Jarvis 6" Match barrel and a third party Match weight.
    Don't have a pic of my P2000 357, but I can take one...

    Lol! Excuse me. Hopefully you see why I said that. The USP slide at glance sure does have a P2000 look to it.

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