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Thread: Happiness is a new gun 2

  1. #2241
    Join Date
    Jul 2018


    Quote Originally Posted by BirdsThaWord View Post
    Starting to sound like the Sig forum around here. “Do do! Do do! Do do! Do do! Imagine a place…”
    Well, my most-carried, and most shot, CCW is my K9, almost always with 124 gr. Speer GDLE 9mm +P (but sometimes, though rarely, with 124 gr. Federal HST 9mm +P). OWB in a leather pancake holster. Perfect (for me)!

    (So, now we're back to Kahr!)

    I've thought about whether I would like a K9 that has a one-and-a-half-stack magazine. I suspect I would prefer the [single stack] K9 that I own now, for EDC.


  2. #2242
    Join Date
    Feb 2018


    Sweet little pocket rockets. Good choice Barth!

  3. #2243
    Join Date
    Apr 2018
    Central Floriduh


    Quote Originally Posted by rx7sig View Post
    Well, my most-carried, and most shot, CCW is my K9, almost always with 124 gr. Speer GDLE 9mm +P (but sometimes, though rarely, with 124 gr. Federal HST 9mm +P). OWB in a leather pancake holster. Perfect (for me)!

    (So, now we're back to Kahr!)

    I've thought about whether I would like a K9 that has a one-and-a-half-stack magazine. I suspect I would prefer the [single stack] K9 that I own now, for EDC.

    You are not alone. Many around here have spoke of the desire for higher capacity in the Kahr’s. Looks like some may get their wish soon. Sadly, not in one of the metal framed Kahr’s though. The K9 is my favorite Kahr of any that I’ve owned. Hope to score one again some day.

  4. #2244
    Join Date
    Feb 2018


    Not new anymore, but I've done quite a bit to it since I first posted it.

    Installed Chen Dan Wesson Magwell. This surprisingly fit better than any of the three others that I tried. I originally machined the pin hole of a Klonimus aluminum magwell to get it to fit but I like the Chen's better because of their rounded bottoms, and weight. I did need to take quite a bit of material off the bottom of the Klonimus Beavertail to get it and the Chen to work together, but it was worth it. Added a 23lb Hammer Spring to finish that part out.
    I also installed an EGW SS Ignition kit, including the Hammer, Sear, Disconnector, and Sear Spring. I adjusted the pull to just under 4lbs and it breaks extremely nicely. I will say that the factory parts also provided a nice clean break, as good as the EGW provided, but I didn't want to rely long term on the MIM Hammer that it came with.
    I also went back over the checkering to clean that up. It is better now. Always (for me), seems easier to revisit some things after the fact and give them added attention that impatience makes it hard to do initially.
    I was going to install an EGW extended mag release but it wouldn't fit in the hole, being off just enough to prevent it from seating. I'll live with the one that's in there and save the other part for a future project.
    All in all there's not a lot of the original small parts left. I like the added heft of it with the SS magwell and non-MIM parts. It weighs in at 37.5ozs now, with an empty magazine. Even at the 36+ it was before these recent changes it was a very soft shooter. If it performs reliably next time I have it to the range like it did the first time I will add it to the rotation.
    Another nice thing about the checkering is that I can put smooth grips on it without feeling like it's going to fall out of my hand. With the same checkering on the magwell the gun is rock solid in hand.
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  5. #2245
    Join Date
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    Central Floriduh


    I plan to follow most of what you’ve done, other than the brand trigger due to it not being available and my being impatient (got the WC instead). Thanks for your write up outlining what you’ve seen, experienced as you’ve gone along. I find that info to be useful/valuable and try to share that kind of stuff with others also as I modify. What a great world we live in, at least in this respect, that we can learn so easily from one another, digitally, on command, at our fingertips.
    Thanks for sharing dao! Knowing first hand what you started with, she’s a beaut and is now at a much higher quality due to the upgraded parts and customization.

  6. #2246
    Join Date
    Feb 2018


    Thanks Bird. This one does have a Wilson trigger in it. The Harrison went into my ECO, and was black.
    I hear you about the availability of help in our digital world. I have learned so much on the web. Sometimes just seeing or hearing of something I'm considering or thinking about that someone else has done gives me the courage to try it. And the more I learn about 1911's the more I understand just how much of a genius JMB was.

  7. #2247
    Join Date
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    Central Floriduh


    Quote Originally Posted by dao View Post
    Thanks Bird. This one does have a Wilson trigger in it. The Harrison went into my ECO, and was black.
    I hear you about the availability of help in our digital world. I have learned so much on the web. Sometimes just seeing or hearing of something I'm considering or thinking about that someone else has done gives me the courage to try it. And the more I learn about 1911's the more I understand just how much of a genius JMB was.
    Gotchya on the trigger. Agreed on the learning from others and JMB knowledge. It seems like the more I learn, the more I feel that I know so little.

  8. #2248
    Join Date
    Feb 2018


    Amen to that!

  9. #2249
    Join Date
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    Wet & Wild Pacific NW


    After my mandatory 10 days in Purgatory I was able to bring this home yesterday.

    Just dumb luck the wife was with me and in a superior mood or something. Allowed the use of the prohibited CC.
    Amazing piece. Adjustable rear sight, checkered front strap. For such fine checkering it's near painful to squeeze. A full 10 ozs lighter than my Cbob, both with empty mags. If memory serves the CBob was 36 and the 1911U is 26.4 or some such thing.

    I was also semi suprised the the frame ( I think) is alloy) makes sense since it's so light.

    Of course it came with the really nice VZ grips which looked great but really grippy. Grabs your shirt etc. And of course it just screamed for antler.......sooooo. Had the grandkids for the last 4 days. They went home yesterday mid day. So I cut up some antler and got them hung and done today. I'm not totally in love with the looks. I struggle with antler. I got them relatively thin and color dyeing with the Potassium Pomegranate. Didn't seem to work as well as in the past. Maybe not strong enough. Anyhow I don't think I'm done yet but they'll do for now.

    Hopefully get someplace and shoot it this week I hope. Hoping it's not too much of a fire breathing dragon. Probably should have got a 9 but I'm a 45 guy and don't want to lose my rep ya know?
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    In Memory of Paul "Dietrich" Stines.
    Dad: Say something nice to your cousin Shirley
    Dietrich: For a fat girl you sure don't sweat much.
    Cue sound of Head slap.

    RIP Muggsy & TMan

    "If you are a warrior legally authorized to carry a weapon and you step outside without that weapon, then you become a sheep, pretending that JOCKO will not come today."

  10. #2250
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    The Free Zone


    That looks like a winner to me Colonel!
    Can't wait to hear the Range Report.
    Super lite for a 45 ACP, nice carry gun

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