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Thread: Happiness is a new gun 2

  1. #2351
    Join Date
    Apr 2018
    Central Floriduh


    Got some Sunday Funday stuff accomplished today in the RIA. I did the mag release (next time will do it at the same time as the frame, learning as I go), the muzzle and the hood. Next, fot andbpolish the new trigger. Might just do that tonight. If so, will post pics. Hope you all had a great a weekend as I did.

  2. #2352
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  3. #2353
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  4. #2354
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  5. #2355
    Join Date
    Feb 2018


    It's coming along there Bird. How does the frontstrap feel in hand now? Does the etching add something to the level of grippiness? On a side note, you might need to lap the muzzle on your barrel, depending on whether or not the etching carried over the edge of it?

    The gun in my last pics is a Commander. And you know your observation brings to mind something I've noticed about guns in pics too. From certain angles barrels/slides, and/or grips can look longer or shorter depending on the angle of the picture.

    I didn't use scotchbrite on the slide. It still has a mirrored finish on it. Back when I did it I used 800, 1000, 1500, and 2000gr paper on it. And that particular slide didn't have the vertical lines (imperfections), that the RIA did. I think I mentioned before that I think Tisas does a better job machining their frames and slides than RIA does.

  6. #2356
    Join Date
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    Wet & Wild Pacific NW


    That's way over my head. I don't understand how it works. All the ugly there for a bit is the finger polish melting or burning and what don't got polish etches? It looks awesome, just don't understand the process. I don't get out much ya know.
    I was fixing to pressure wash the walks and patios but pressure washer blew an oring and I got a very cold shower instead. Days shot by the time I get to town and a new oring, guess I'll see if the chainsaw starts and cut a little wood. Back to winter here for the last few days. Nice today though for a nice change.
    In Memory of Paul "Dietrich" Stines.
    Dad: Say something nice to your cousin Shirley
    Dietrich: For a fat girl you sure don't sweat much.
    Cue sound of Head slap.

    RIP Muggsy & TMan

    "If you are a warrior legally authorized to carry a weapon and you step outside without that weapon, then you become a sheep, pretending that JOCKO will not come today."

  7. #2357
    Join Date
    Apr 2018
    Central Floriduh


    Quote Originally Posted by dao View Post
    It's coming along there Bird. How does the frontstrap feel in hand now? Does the etching add something to the level of grippiness? On a side note, you might need to lap the muzzle on your barrel, depending on whether or not the etching carried over the edge of it?

    The gun in my last pics is a Commander. And you know your observation brings to mind something I've noticed about guns in pics too. From certain angles barrels/slides, and/or grips can look longer or shorter depending on the angle of the picture.

    I didn't use scotchbrite on the slide. It still has a mirrored finish on it. Back when I did it I used 800, 1000, 1500, and 2000gr paper on it. And that particular slide didn't have the vertical lines (imperfections), that the RIA did. I think I mentioned before that I think Tisas does a better job machining their frames and slides than RIA does.
    Thanks dao! I made sure on both the muzzle end and in the hood area to go back after the scratch off and mask the edges so that none of the areas that interface with the slide would get etched. On that front strap, you know I don’t know just yet. From handling it so far, it feels just a bit textured. Not wild as it looks, and not so mild as to be un-noticable. I think the jury is still out on it until test time.
    I misunderstood on your picture. Like me, you have multiple projects going, and I thought it was the RIA as I was obviously thrown off or not paying enough attention. I need me some of that 2000 grit. It’s really a nice polish at that level.
    I agree about the Tisas machining. I think they do a better job than even some higher end companies do. Looking at mine from the rear, where the slide and frame mate, WOW!

  8. #2358
    Join Date
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    Central Floriduh


    Quote Originally Posted by Bawanna View Post
    That's way over my head. I don't understand how it works. All the ugly there for a bit is the finger polish melting or burning and what don't got polish etches? It looks awesome, just don't understand the process. I don't get out much ya know.
    I was fixing to pressure wash the walks and patios but pressure washer blew an oring and I got a very cold shower instead. Days shot by the time I get to town and a new oring, guess I'll see if the chainsaw starts and cut a little wood. Back to winter here for the last few days. Nice today though for a nice change.
    Hey Colonel, I’m not sure I get it either. I do know that the polish masks the metal and prevents it from etching anything under the polish. I think that by dipping the cotton into the salt water, then the cotton making the electricity jump through it’s tiny fibers, it super heats the salt and makes it super acidic.
    When I was an Engineer in the Navy, I once had to shut down a turbine in the engine room. When I fired it up, it started vibrating, then jumping up and down to where I thought it was going to rip out of the deck plates or explode. When we took the casing off, we found tiny holes in the stator vanes that was throwing it off balance. Apparently, our desalinization unit and evaporator was not removing all of the salt from the steam we were feeding the turbine. At those high temps, that little bit of salt ate right through those stator vanes. Like a hot knife through butter.
    Sorry to hear about the pressure washer. Better an o ring than the pump though!

  9. #2359
    Join Date
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    Upstate, South Carolina


    Quote Originally Posted by kenemoore View Post
    I once bought a used 1911 from a pawn shop, the previous owner had filed the slide stop so much, that if you put finger in the right side, and accidently hit the slide stop pin, it would pop out. Be careful out there.

    So...I am a 1911 kind of guy, carry a CCO every day, all day long. I own several government models, of various quality. From RIA to Ed Brown. I have two Dan Wesson CCO's. But...I do not own a commander sized 1911.
    I have one .38Super 1911, all the rest are .45. I have been leaning towards a Tisa Tank Commander, comes in .45 and 9mm. If I bought the .45, have lots of magazines (and grips), more than most folks. But, if I went with 9mm, might be less recoil for and old man (like the Colonel), but I would only have the two factory magazines. Both are roughly the same price, about 430.00, GRABAGUN.

    What do you think, should I plan ahead on getting recoil sensitive (sissified) and get the 9, or stick to what I know?
    Well...Looks like I don't have to decide anytime soon. The Commander funds were spent on a new self propelled lawnmower yesterday. I live on a slight hill, and with an artificial knee on one side and a titanium rod on the other, pushing a lawnmower up hill, was getting to be a little too much. Maybe Trump will win, and I can get one cheaper next year.
    NRA Benefactor

  10. #2360
    Join Date
    Feb 2018


    Good on you for pushing that thing around Ken, or even walking behind it!

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